Top 10 Tips Instructors Share with Learner Drivers

By DavidPage

Many learner drivers experienced their journey to independence as a driver stagnated over the past two decades due to lengthy delays in learning and failing tests.

Young Driver, the UK’s largest pre-17 driving school, revealed that 70% of driving instructors still need to be approved. Sixty-six per cent of respondents (66%) stated that they haven’t seen a decrease or increase in waiting times for driving tests in the last few months.

If you’re lucky enough to find an instructor who can help you pass your exam, you have the option to either speed it up or wait until another opportunity.

Young Driver interviewed 150 driving instructors for their top tips on helping learners pass the test first time and to be safe drivers.

These are the top ten most recommended pieces of advice.

Don’t follow your peers or parents behind the wheel. You may have bad habits. Listen to your ADI’s advice.

There are two options: a passenger or a driver. Take your phone off of you and take a look at the road to see how you might react in certain situations.

It is important to learn how to read other road users. You must also realize that not all road users follow the rules. You need to have a plan for the future and ask yourself “What happens if …’.?”?” Don’t assume anything

Although you don’t have to pass the theory exam, it will help improve your driving skills.

Digital aids like the Young Driver App are a great option. You can view 360-degree VR driving lessons and then rewatch them to improve your driving skills.

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It should become second nature for you to check blind spots and use mirrors while driving. Motorcyclists, cyclists, and all other types of motorcyclists must be taken into consideration.

Be patient and polite. Do not let your temper stop you from doing the right thing.

Accept constructive criticism. There is always more that we can do. Your test doesn’t have to be passed. You can continue learning and improving your skills.

Don’t lose your focus for even one second. This is all you need to pass the exam or get into an accident.

Get as much experience as possible. This should be done with an instructor, or in a private practice with a friend. You will be able to master your skills through practice.

Young Driver is a program that teaches teenagers how to drive a car in 70 locations throughout the UK. Young Driver founder Sue Waterfield said that Young Driver was created so that teens could learn how to drive a car before getting on a street.

You can teach them how to drive and how to deal with other road users.

“This is why Young Driver Past students are less likely to have an accident after passing their test.”